
MSc/PhD-course “Plant Protection Biology to meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals”, August 3 – 14, 2020, MOVED TO ALNARP SWEDEN and ONLINE

The goal of this course is to introduce MSc and PhD students to different aspects of plant health and the policies governing them. Different strategies will be set in relation to the United Nations 17 sustainability development goals.

Since the course aims to bring together MSc and PhD students from different backgrounds (i.e. molecular biology, ecology, agronomy, breeding), some lectures in the beginning will be devoted to introducing the fundamental aspects of plant pests and pathogens. The lecturers will be asked to give a brief basic introduction to the subject area and then to move on and end with the latest results. After that, the course will focus on the UN sustainability goals, policy and the effect of climate change on future plant health.

Due to the outbreak of Covid19 we have to move this course from Pieve Tesino, Italy, to SLU Alnarp and online! Lectures and exercises will be done online as well as physically at SLU Alnarp. Please register your interest below.

Deadline for application 15 June!

Schedule, now updated in response to the move to Alnarp, Sweden, and the course syllabus.

Note that this can be taken either as a whole (7ECTS) course or as a 5 ECTS course (for MSCA-ITN Protecta students only, 6-11 August). On campus accommodation at SLU Alnarp is available for ca €300.

Students will be admitted with priority for SLU, Protecta and ELLS-associated students.

Organisers: LTV-faculty SLU Alnarp, MSC-ITN PROTECTA, and ELLS. If you have any questions please email