
PlantLink 10 year evaluation, and a third and final term is starting!

The second term of PlantLink (2016-2021) is coming to an end, and as part of that we have done an evaluation of our activities. For this evaluation we have taken the liberty to assign an external reviewer as well as performed individual interviews with a panel representing 16 external stakeholders to obtain a broader, and hopefully more objective, view of PlantLink’s activities. We have also taken the opportunity to summarise PlantLink’s performance and assess its influence on plant research in the southern Swedish region from the start in 2011. Here is the full 10 year evaluation. It will also be printed and distributed.

This autumn we celebrate 10 years (read more about our 10 year celebratory PlantLink day here), and also start a third term of PlantLink. This term runs until the end of 2023 and will mark the end of PlantLink as we have known it. PlantLink will the coming years undergo some changes, and then stop as the common LU-SLU Alnarp network it until now has been known as. The plan after 2023 is for parts of PlantLink to continue, not as its own organization, but we hope that parts will continue as an integrated parts of LU and/or SLU Alnarp. We aim for PlantLink to keep being relevant, and that we will live up to our new motto, that was developed as part of the 10 year evaluation:

PlantLink – strengthening plant research, education, and innovation in Southern Sweden for a sustainable society