
Author Archive: Anna Manourova

PlantLink News – September

With the warmth of summer fading, we extend a hearty welcome back to all PlantLink members! Let’s unfold what happened during the summertime and see what awaits in the autumn. PlantLink Day registration closes on 01 October! Do not forget to sign up to…
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PlantLink News – June-August

Welcome to the summer edition of the PlantLink Newsletter! As we draw closer to the upcoming holiday period, there’s no time to waste. Let’s dive straight into the exciting events and activities in the region during and beyond the summer…
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Story of Success – Ooble

The Story of Success highlights innovative regional companies in Plant and Food Science which are bridging the gap between research and industry. In this interview, Divya Mohan introduces her innovative start-up, which is tackling the sustainability gap in the food…
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PlantLink News – May

The last traces of winter are fading away, welcoming the warmth and vibrant colours of spring! With this weather change comes an exciting array of events, courses, and conferences that we are pleased to announce in this month’s newsletter!Do not…
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