
Author Archive: Anna Manourova

Story of Success – SolEdits

The Story of Success highlights innovative regional companies in Plant and Food science which are bridging the gap between research and industry. In this interview, Mariette Andersson introduces SolEdits, a unique company focusing on potato breeding using CRISPR-Cas9. How does…
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PlantLink News February

2023 starts in a really busy way! PlantLink released a new round of Industrial Mentorship Program for PhD students and postdocs and is ready to match passionate young researchers with innovative companies in the region! For MSc students, there is ELLS Plant Health Grand Challenges competition and…
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Kenneth Fredlund 1963-2023 

Kenneth Fredlund passed away on the 18th of January, 2023, after some time of progressive illness.  Kenneth studied biology at Lund and completed an excellent PhD on respiratory processes in the Department of Plant Physiology at Lund University in 1996….
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