
Plant Research and Higher Education in Southern Sweden

PlantLink News December 2021 – January 2022

The last PlantLink newsletter of the year contains a brief report from the NordPlant annual meeting, information about the “Bioekonomiriksdagen” and other upcoming meetings, several new positions and a spotlight of SLU researcher Ramesh Vetukuri. Newsletter Contents Successful ELLS applications NordPlant annual…
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Changes in personnel in PlantLink

PlantLink is currently in a period of changes when it comes to its personnel. The work to recruit a new director from Lund University to replace SLU’s Erik Alexandersson is ongoing. This change is stipulated in the agreement for PlantLink’s…
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PlantLink News November

This edition of the PlantLink Newsletter contains information about a number of upcoming meetings and courses, a report from the PlantLink 10-year celebration, a new PhD position and much more! Newsletter Contents SPPS “Connecting Plants and People”, 4 November Plant Biologicals…
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