
Plant Research and Higher Education in Southern Sweden

PlantLink News Dec-Jan

Newsletter content This last PlantLink News for 2020 gives you the latest updates on our ongoing work for the next round of PlantLink, as well as links to interesting webinars and exciting thesis defenses. We take the opportunity to congratulate…
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Newly awarded research grants

We congratulate the researchers of Lund University and SLU Alnarp that have recieved funding for new plant and plant related research projects. Newly funded projects are (in alphabetic order of applicant): Aakash Chawade, SLU, FORMAS research grant. Utveckling av sprutinducerad…
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PlantLink News November

In this month’s Newsletter, there are several activities with short deadlines. Take a quick scroll to check for these. We continue to provide information on online webinars, and this information can also be found on the PlantLink website. Finally we…
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