
Plant Research and Higher Education in Southern Sweden

Regional plant networks

Here you can find the list of plant networks that participated at the Network-to-network meeting in March 2020. 1. Centre for Environment and Climate research LU Objective The Centre for Environmental and Climate Research, CEC, is a combined physical and…
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PlantLink bioinformatics

Bioinformatics has become increasingly important for the plant research community. During PlantLink’s first year the need to strengthen the bioinformatical competence in plant research in Southern Sweden was recognized. Therefore, PlantLink’s first bioinformatician, Estelle Proux-Wéra, was recruited in 2012. Estelle…
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PlantLink Newsletter June-August

Welcome to this newsletter with dates for summer and autumn activities, as well as open positions. PlantLink takes the opportunity to wish you a great summer with lots of interesting, fun and relaxing activities, and of course, lots of plants!…
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