
Plant Research and Higher Education in Southern Sweden

PlantLink News June-August

Midsummer is coming up, a festivity where plants of all kinds are really in focus! The summer’s Newsletter sums up past activities such as the succesful Fascination of Plant’s Day, co-organized with NordGen. We also highlight upcoming conferences, meetings and…
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June-August’s Researcher in the Spotlight

This summer’s researcher in the spotlight is Åsa Lankinen, Associate professor in Plant Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at SLU Alnarp, and Coordinator for the Graduate School for Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Crop Production Sciences. Åsa leads the fokus group on…
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Fascination of Plants Day

“Food and plants in future landscapes” Welcome to our stand in the Botanical Garden, Lund on Saturday 25 May! You find us next to the greenhouse Program 10-14 Visit our stand Seed quiz For children: Get a feel of our…
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PlantLink News May

May is a busy month and we have a lot of activities going on! This year we will celebrate Fascination of Plants Day and you are all welcome on the 25th of May. This newsletter also has updates on summer activities…
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