
Succesful Job Fair for Danish and Swedish PhDs and Post Docs in Ystad!

It is fair to say that the PlantLink mentorship program and job fair, organized by Maja Brus-Szkaley, Lene Rasmussen and Erik Alexandersson, became a success! Over 70 participants from Copenhagen university, SLU Alnarp and Lund University met at the beautiful Ystad Saltsjöbad for two packed sunny days. The plenary speaker Sofia Gape from IKEA kicked off the job fair with a personal reflection on her career path from a biology exam in Gothenburg to working with sustainability at IKEA. This inspiring talk was followed by presentations on entrepreneurship and a panel discussion with university alumni. Day two started with a presentation on science outreach by Jessica Abbott from Lund University, well known from her participation in “Fråga Lund”. Throughout the workshop, PhD students and Postdocs met up with participants from industry and researchers on speed dates that they had booked previously. With the help of a speed dating app for researchers and industry more than 100 one-to-one meetings took place!